
data class Rotation2dDual<Param>(val real: DualNum<Param>, val imag: DualNum<Param>)

Dual version of Rotation2d.


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fun <Param> Rotation2dDual(real: DualNum<Param>, imag: DualNum<Param>)


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object Companion


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fun inverse(): Rotation2dDual<Param>
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operator fun plus(d: DualNum<Param>): Rotation2dDual<Param>
operator fun plus(x: Double): Rotation2dDual<Param>
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fun <NewParam> reparam(oldParam: DualNum<NewParam>): Rotation2dDual<NewParam>
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fun size(): Int
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operator fun times(t: Pose2d): Pose2dDual<Param>
operator fun times(r: Rotation2d): Rotation2dDual<Param>
operator fun times(r: Rotation2dDual<Param>): Rotation2dDual<Param>
operator fun times(t: Twist2dDual<Param>): Twist2dDual<Param>
operator fun times(v: Vector2d): Vector2dDual<Param>
operator fun times(v: Vector2dDual<Param>): Vector2dDual<Param>
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fun value(): Rotation2d
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fun velocity(): DualNum<Param>
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fun withRot(r: Rotation2d): Rotation2dDual<Param>


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val imag: DualNum<Param>
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val real: DualNum<Param>