
data class Pose2d(val trans: Vector2d, val rot: Rotation2d)

2D rigid transform comprised of rot followed by trans.

The pose destPoseSource denotes the transform from frame Source into frame Dest. It can be applied with times() to change the coordinates of xSource into xDest where x is a vector, twist, or even another pose: xDest = destPoseSource * xSource. The awkward names take some getting used to, but they avoid many routine errors.

Transforms into the world frame are common enough to warrant a shorthand. The pose worldPoseSource can be shortened to poseSource for any frame Source.

Advanced: Transforms in two dimensions comprise a Lie group referred to as SE(2). The terminology exp and log comes from the Lie theory, and this paper gives a targeted exposition of the key fundamentals.


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fun Pose2d(trans: Vector2d, rot: Double)
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fun Pose2d(    transX: Double,     transY: Double,     rot: Double)
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fun Pose2d(trans: Vector2d, rot: Rotation2d)


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object Companion


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fun inverse(): Pose2d
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fun log(): Twist2dIncr
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operator fun minus(t: Pose2d): Twist2dIncr
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fun minusExp(t: Pose2d): Pose2d
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operator fun plus(t: Twist2dIncr): Pose2d
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operator fun times(t: Pose2d): Pose2d
operator fun times(t: Twist2d): Twist2d
operator fun times(v: Vector2d): Vector2d


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val rot: Rotation2d
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val trans: Vector2d