Package-level declarations
Arclength reparameterization of curve.
Displacement profile that can be canceled at any time to yield a new displacement profile that achieves the final velocity as soon as possible and then promptly ends.
Dual version of Pose2d.
Dual version of PoseVelocity2d.
Path comprised of two QuinticSpline1ds.
Do not instantiate directly. See SafePosePathBuilder.
Dual version of Rotation2d.
Wrapper for PosePathSeqBuilder that provides the same guarantees without throwing PosePathSeqBuilder.RotationContinuityException.
Acceleration-limited motion profile parameterized by time.
Computes an approximately time-optimal backward profile from the center-sampled constraints. No restriction is imposed on the maximum acceleration.
Computes an approximately time-optimal backward profile by sampling the constraints according to the resolution resolution. No restriction is imposed on the minimum acceleration.
Computes an exact, time-optimal profile.
Computes an approximately time-optimal forward profile from the center-sampled constraints. No restriction is imposed on the minimum acceleration.
Computes an approximately time-optimal forward profile by sampling the constraints according to the resolution resolution. No restriction is imposed on the minimum acceleration.
Computes an approximately time-optimal profile from sampled constraints.
Computes an approximately time-optimal profile by sampling the constraints according to the resolution resolution.