
class RamseteController @JvmOverloads constructor(val trackWidth: Double, val zeta: Double = 0.7, val bBar: Double = 2.0)

Ramsete controller for tracking tank trajectories.

The standard Ramsete control law from equation \((5.12)\) of this paper is \[ \begin{pmatrix}v\\ \omega\end{pmatrix} = \begin{pmatrix} v_d \cos (\theta_d - \theta) + 2 \zeta \sqrt{\omega_d^2 + b v_d^2} \Big\lbrack (x_d - x) \cos \theta + (y_d - y) \sin \theta \Big\rbrack\\ \omega_d + b v_d \frac{\sin(\theta_d - \theta)}{\theta_d - \theta} \Big\lbrack (x_d - x) \cos \theta - (y_d - y) \sin \theta \Big\rbrack + 2 \zeta \sqrt{\omega_d^2 + b v_d^2} (\theta_d - \theta) \end{pmatrix} \] where \(\zeta \in (0, 1)\) and \(b \gt 0\). Since \(b\) has units, we substitute \(b = \frac{\bar{b}}{l^2}\) where \(l\) is the track width.


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constructor(trackWidth: Double, zeta: Double = 0.7, bBar: Double = 2.0)


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val bBar: Double = 2.0
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val zeta: Double = 0.7


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fun compute(s: DualNum<Time>, targetPose: Pose2dDual<Arclength>, actualPose: Pose2d): PoseVelocity2dDual<Time>

Computes the velocity and acceleration command. The frame Target is the reference robot, and the frame Actual is the measured, physical robot.