Package com.acmerobotics.roadrunner


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fun interface AccelConstraint
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class AngularVelConstraint(val maxAngVel: Double) : VelConstraint
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class Arclength

Arclength parameter for DualNum.

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data class ArclengthReparamCurve2(val curve: PositionPath<Internal>, val samples: IntegralScanResult) : PositionPath<Arclength>

Arclength reparameterization of curve.

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class CancelableProfile(    val baseProfile: DisplacementProfile,     val disps: List<Double>,     val minAccels: List<Double>)
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class CompositeAccelConstraint(val constraints: List<AccelConstraint>, val partitions: List<Double>) : AccelConstraint
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data class CompositePosePath(val paths: List<PosePath>, val offsets: List<Double> = paths.scan(0.0) { acc, path -> acc + path.length() }) : PosePath
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data class CompositePositionPath<Param> @JvmOverloads constructor(val paths: List<PositionPath<Param>>, val offsets: List<Double> = paths.scan(0.0) { acc, path -> acc + path.length() }) : PositionPath<Param>
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class CompositeVelConstraint(val constraints: List<VelConstraint>, val partitions: List<Double>) : VelConstraint
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data class ConstantHeadingPath(val heading: Rotation2d, val length: Double) : HeadingPath
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class ConstantPathBuilder
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class ConstantTrajectoryBuilder
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data class DisplacementProfile(    val disps: List<Double>,     val vels: List<Double>,     val accels: List<Double>)

Motion profile parameterized by displacement.

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class DisplacementTrajectory(val path: PosePath, val profile: DisplacementProfile)
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class DualNum<Param>
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interface HeadingPath
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data class HeadingPosePath(val posPath: PositionPath<Arclength>, val headingPath: HeadingPath) : PosePath
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class HolonomicController(    val axialPosGain: Double,     val lateralPosGain: Double,     val headingGain: Double,     val axialVelGain: Double,     val lateralVelGain: Double,     val headingVelGain: Double)

Proportional position-velocity controller for a holonomic robot.

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data class IntegralScanResult(val values: List<Double>, val sums: List<Double>)
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class Internal

Generic, internal parameter for DualNum.

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data class Line(    val begin: Vector2d,     val dir: Vector2d,     val length: Double) : PositionPath<Arclength>

Line beginning at position begin, pointed in direction dir, and having length length.

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data class LinearHeadingPath(    val begin: Rotation2d,     val angle: Double,     val length: Double) : HeadingPath
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data class MecanumKinematics @JvmOverloads constructor(val trackWidth: Double, val lateralMultiplier: Double = 1.0)
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data class MinMax(val min: Double, val max: Double)
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class MinVelConstraint(val constraints: List<VelConstraint>) : VelConstraint
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data class MotorFeedforward(    val kS: Double,     val kV: Double,     val kA: Double)
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class PathBuilder
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data class Pose2d(val trans: Vector2d, val rot: Rotation2d)
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data class Pose2dDual<Param>(val trans: Vector2dDual<Param>, val rot: Rotation2dDual<Param>)

Dual version of Pose2d.

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interface PosePath
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class PosePathSeqBuilder
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interface PositionPath<Param>
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data class PositionPathView<Param>(    val path: PositionPath<Param>,     val offset: Double,     val length: Double) : PositionPath<Param>
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class PosPathSeqBuilder
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class ProfileAccelConstraint(val minAccel: Double, val maxAccel: Double) : AccelConstraint
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data class QuinticSpline1(    val a: Double,     val b: Double,     val c: Double,     val d: Double,     val e: Double,     val f: Double)
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data class QuinticSpline2(val x: QuinticSpline1, val y: QuinticSpline1) : PositionPath<Internal>

Path comprised of two QuinticSpline1s.

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class RamseteController @JvmOverloads constructor(    val trackWidth: Double,     val zeta: Double = 0.7,     val bBar: Double = 2.0)
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class RestrictedPathBuilder
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class RestrictedPosePathBuilder

Do not instantiate directly. See SafePosePathBuilder.

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class RestrictedTrajectoryBuilder
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data class Rotation2d(val real: Double, val imag: Double)
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data class Rotation2dDual<Param>(val real: DualNum<Param>, val imag: DualNum<Param>)

Dual version of Rotation2d.

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class SafePathBuilder
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class SafePosePathBuilder

Wrapper for PosePathSeqBuilder that provides the same guarantees without throwing PosePathSeqBuilder.RotationContinuityException.

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class SafeTrajectoryBuilder
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data class SplineHeadingPath(    val begin: Rotation2d,     val spline: QuinticSpline1,     val length: Double) : HeadingPath
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data class TangentPath(val path: PositionPath<Arclength>, val offset: Double) : PosePath
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class TangentPathBuilder
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class TangentTrajectoryBuilder
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data class TankKinematics(val trackWidth: Double)
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class Time

Time parameter for DualNum.

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data class TimeProfile @JvmOverloads constructor(val dispProfile: DisplacementProfile, val times: List<Double> = timeScan(dispProfile))

Motion profile parameterized by time.

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class TimeTrajectory(val path: PosePath, val profile: TimeProfile)
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class Trajectory(    val path: PosePath,     val profile: CancelableProfile,     val offsets: List<Double>)
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class TrajectoryBuilder
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class TranslationalVelConstraint(val minTransVel: Double) : VelConstraint
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data class Twist2d(val transVel: Vector2d, val rotVel: Double)

2D twist (velocities)

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data class Twist2dDual<Param>(val transVel: Vector2dDual<Param>, val rotVel: DualNum<Param>)

Dual version of Twist2d.

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data class Twist2dIncr(val transIncr: Vector2d, val rotIncr: Double)
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data class Twist2dIncrDual<Param>(val transIncr: Vector2dDual<Param>, val rotIncr: DualNum<Param>)
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data class Vector2d(val x: Double, val y: Double)
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data class Vector2dDual<Param>(val x: DualNum<Param>, val y: DualNum<Param>)

Dual version of Vector2d.

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fun interface VelConstraint


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fun backwardProfile(    disps: List<Double>,     maxVels: List<Double>,     endVel: Double,     minAccels: List<Double>): DisplacementProfile

Computes an approximately time-optimal backward profile from the center-sampled constraints. No restriction is imposed on the maximum acceleration.

fun backwardProfile(    path: PosePath,     velConstraint: VelConstraint,     endVel: Double,     accelConstraint: AccelConstraint,     resolution: Double): DisplacementProfile

fun backwardProfile(    length: Double,     maxVel: (Double) -> Double,     endVel: Double,     minAccel: (Double) -> Double,     resolution: Double): DisplacementProfile

Computes an approximately time-optimal backward profile by sampling the constraints according to the resolution resolution. No restriction is imposed on the minimum acceleration.

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fun clamp(    x: Double,     lo: Double,     hi: Double): Double
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fun constantProfile(    length: Double,     beginEndVel: Double,     maxVel: Double,     minAccel: Double,     maxAccel: Double): CancelableProfile

Computes an exact, time-optimal profile.

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fun forwardProfile(    disps: List<Double>,     beginVel: Double,     maxVels: List<Double>,     maxAccels: List<Double>): DisplacementProfile

Computes an approximately time-optimal forward profile from the center-sampled constraints. No restriction is imposed on the minimum acceleration.

fun forwardProfile(    path: PosePath,     beginVel: Double,     velConstraint: VelConstraint,     accelConstraint: AccelConstraint,     resolution: Double): DisplacementProfile

fun forwardProfile(    length: Double,     beginVel: Double,     maxVel: (Double) -> Double,     maxAccel: (Double) -> Double,     resolution: Double): DisplacementProfile

Computes an approximately time-optimal forward profile by sampling the constraints according to the resolution resolution. No restriction is imposed on the minimum acceleration.

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fun integralScan(    a: Double,     b: Double,     eps: Double,     f: (Double) -> Double): IntegralScanResult
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fun lerp(    x: Double,     fromLo: Double,     fromHi: Double,     toLo: Double,     toHi: Double): Double
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fun merge(p1: DisplacementProfile, p2: DisplacementProfile): DisplacementProfile

Merges p1 and p2 into another profile with the minimum velocity of the two at every point.

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fun profile(    path: PosePath,     beginEndVel: Double,     velConstraint: VelConstraint,     accelConstraint: AccelConstraint,     resolution: Double): CancelableProfile

fun profile(    disps: List<Double>,     beginEndVel: Double,     maxVels: List<Double>,     minAccels: List<Double>,     maxAccels: List<Double>): CancelableProfile

Computes an approximately time-optimal profile from center-sampled constraints.

fun profile(    length: Double,     beginEndVel: Double,     maxVel: (Double) -> Double,     minAccel: (Double) -> Double,     maxAccel: (Double) -> Double,     resolution: Double): CancelableProfile

Computes an approximately time-optimal profile by sampling the constraints according to the resolution resolution.

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fun project(    path: PosePath,     query: Vector2d,     init: Double): Double
fun project(    path: PositionPath<Arclength>,     query: Vector2d,     init: Double): Double

Project position query onto position path path starting with initial guess init.

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fun range(    begin: Double,     end: Double,     samples: Int): List<Double>
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fun rangeMiddle(    begin: Double,     end: Double,     samples: Int): List<Double>
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fun snz(x: Double): Double