PositionPathSeqBuilder | |
PosePathSeqBuilder | |
PathBuilder | |
IdentityPoseMap | |
MappedPosePath | |
TrajectoryBuilder | |
MotorFeedforward | |
HolonomicController | Proportional position-velocity controller for a holonomic robot. |
RamseteController | |
Internal | Generic, internal parameter for DualNum. |
QuinticSpline1d | |
QuinticSpline2d | Path comprised of two QuinticSpline1ds. |
Arclength | Arclength parameter for DualNum. |
Line | Line beginning at position begin, pointed in direction dir, and having length length. |
ArclengthReparamCurve2d | Arclength reparameterization of curve. |
CompositePositionPath | |
PositionPathView | |
ConstantHeadingPath | |
LinearHeadingPath | |
SplineHeadingPath | |
TangentPath | |
HeadingPosePath | |
CompositePosePath | |
DualNum | |
Vector2d | |
Vector2dDual | Dual version of Vector2d. |
Rotation2d | |
Rotation2dDual | Dual version of Rotation2d. |
Pose2d | |
Pose2dDual | Dual version of Pose2d. |
PoseVelocity2d | |
PoseVelocity2dDual | Dual version of PoseVelocity2d. |
Twist2d | |
Twist2dDual | |
WheelIncrements | |
WheelVelocities | |
WheelVelConstraint | |
MecanumKinematics | |
WheelIncrements | |
WheelVelocities | |
WheelVelConstraint | |
TankKinematics | |
MinMax | |
IntegralScanResult | |
Time | Time parameter for DualNum. |
DisplacementProfile | Acceleration-limited motion profile parameterized by displacement. |
CancelableProfile | Displacement profile that can be canceled at any time to yield a new displacement profile that achieves the final velocity as soon as possible and then promptly ends. |
TimeProfile | Acceleration-limited motion profile parameterized by time. |
TranslationalVelConstraint | |
AngularVelConstraint | |
MinVelConstraint | |
ProfileAccelConstraint | |
CompositeVelConstraint | |
CompositeAccelConstraint | |
SafePathBuilder | |
TangentPathBuilder | |
ConstantPathBuilder | |
RestrictedPathBuilder | |
SafePosePathBuilder | Wrapper for PosePathSeqBuilder that provides the same guarantees without throwing PosePathSeqBuilder. |
RestrictedPosePathBuilder | Do not instantiate directly. |
SafeTrajectoryBuilder | |
TangentTrajectoryBuilder | |
ConstantTrajectoryBuilder | |
RestrictedTrajectoryBuilder | |
Trajectory | |
DisplacementTrajectory | |
TimeTrajectory | |
BuildersKt | |
Curves | |
Math | |
Profiles | |